First posts published in "Mi huella TIC" blog

05/03/2014 - 10:00

First posts published in "Mi huella TIC" blog

This communication tool will allow a constant feedback with the ICT stakeholders.

~~The GREEN TIC project, financed by LIFE, the financial programme for the environment of the European Union, is coordinated by the Natural Heritage Foundation of Castilla and León, with partners like the San Valero Foundation (Aragón - Spain) and the Logroño’s city council (La Rioja - Spain).

One of the most relevant elements in the project is the participation area.

Online sustainability laboratory is the name given to the idea of launching a social participation platform with a clear goal: to contribute with creative and technical ideas of environmental sustainability.

With this purpose, the blog “Mi huella digital” (My Digital Footprint) has been launched and will be constantly updated with information and debates of interest.

As for its architecture, the blog includes thematic sections which are related to the project objectives:

• What is the digital footprint?:  includes the most educative posts (with the possibility of having submenus).
• What is the project about?: posts related to the dissemination and  joint of actions on and off.
• Audio-visual: Posts that include fundamentally audio-visual material and space for the participation with widgets to different platforms.

As for the contents of the blog, there are three sections:

- Dissemination contents: They refer both to the own monthly post and to the three monthly posts that are a compilation of commented contents from other webpages or bloggers, as well as news or articles in the mass media. These posts are meant to focus on the topic, to give context, to disseminate information, etc.

-Corporate contents: there are of two kinds: corporate in strict sense and timely ones. The first ones refer to “who we are” (the project and its participant’s definition, and they never change). The second ones, though they will refer to actions and concrete details of the project, are related to breaking news on the project and the development of its actions.

-Participative contents: management of comments to posts, summaries in the shape of entry of proposals from the internauts (Decalogue of good practices, for example) and, in short, all those questions that need online interaction with users.

With 3 years of duration, the project has as main objective to demonstrate and quantify the great potential of the information and communication technologies to reduce the CO2 emissions in the planet, so much reducing its own carbon footprint promoting a better and more intelligent use of the TIC’s, and the technologies contribution to obtain better environmental services.
