Get to know the short listed proposals in the Green TIC EMPRENDE contest

These proposals will be presented next 27th May in a final event “Talento+experiencia” (talent + experience) to companies of the ICT and environment sectors with the aim of supporting their possible development to make them true.
The short – listed proposals are:
Eco-Huella (
Eco-Huella (Eco-footprint) is a webpage devoted to the dissemination of sustainability, environment and ecological footprint issues.
A zero carbon footprint hosting was hired, which uses renewable energy. The carbon footprint of Eco-Huella 2014 was offset.
Dissemination of good practices and knowledge on carbon footprint.
USALasTIC ( is a webpage that gathers together news, ideas, tricks and resources related to the use of ICT for environmental protection
It is a tool that guarantees that all which is written in their net becomes a real action. Using ICT, the teamwork can contact the relevant organisations and put in contact a community thrown into our planet’s protection, acting as nexus and at the same time directly interacting with users, becoming participants.
Greeficient (Virt4all)
Information campaign that targets virtualisation use promotion. The way to communicate the benefits of virtualisation would be through training sessions, online seminars and consultancy.
Training sessions: dates and places will be spread via social networks and interviews with potentially interested organisations. They will consist of an awareness raising conference followed by a couple of efficiency demonstrations and finally a workshop to become familiar with the concepts.
Online seminars: for all those who can no attend the training sessions, weekly online seminars will be organised with a similar content.
Consultancy: for those organisations willing to take the plunge, a consultancy service will be available.
Greeficient (Green Category)
Campaign targeted at getting the main app stores to open a new category intended for ecology and environmental improvement. The objective of this campaign is to promote those apps that boost sustainable development by reducing CO2 emissions in the planet, making them more influential in society, becoming solutions and tools for social mobilisation.
'Tu guiño TIC' (your ICT wink) campaign, introduces students newly arrived to compulsory secondary education to the double perspective of this technologies in an informative, formative and participative way. A more sustainable, greener future will depend on their open eye, critical and observant, and on their closed eye, switched off.
The campaign is arranged in sequence, with the following stages: presentation of the LIFE Green TIC project – ICT in the everyday life – electronic waste – ICT in educational methodologies – Green TIC gymkhana.
Eco-huella – CO2 footprint calculator of blogs and webpages
Eco-Huella has created a carbon footprint calculator for bloggers, so that they can publish the results of their blog footprint (in the blog itself or in social networks).
GHG PROTOCOL Scope 2 and ISO 14.064 Life Cycle Analysis followed for the carbon footprint calculation. MySQL and php for calculator creation.
To create the calculator a hosting has been hired (that was no necessary for the blog before). The zero carbon footprint hosting (contract with 1and1 that obtains all its electricity for servers from renewable energies). This information has been checked (direct contact with them).
GreeficienT - Blueberry car Connect
Web platform in which users can see the information on the way they drive their vehicle and compare it to the one of their friends with the aim of fostering environmental awareness and of directly acting on atmospheric emissions and resources saving.
The main functions of the platform are the following:
1) It allows the user to know at every moment several data and statistics on the use of their vehicle: average speed, consumption, driving efficiency, diagnosis messages…
2) Access to different rankings of other users (using pen-names), introducing the gamification concept searching for motivation and users’ loyalty, getting an amusing platform.
3) Access to a forum, where different users can share different advices on efficient driving and can debate on them and the lessons learnt. This can be done thanks to the installation of an “Internet of Things” (IoT) system called Blueberry Car Connect.
INNOEN – Switchly
Switchly is a charger with a physical auto-activated switch that uses a software. When the level of battery reaches the maximum, the switch is activated so that no energy is consumed even if it is not unplugged (as happens with conventional chargers). The charger has an Arduino board that activates the switch through instructions sent from the device when the level of battery reaches the maximum. The Arduino receives the order and activates the switch, cutting the energy consumption even if it is still plugged. The switch can be activated anytime by the user.
Web platform development for industry use (any sector) to calculate the carbon footprint of their industrial process from raw materials to product delivery.
In a second step, the idea is to integrate other factors and to use the platform, among other functions, to assess the environmental performance and at the same time to improve the energy efficiency of the value chain in the production of a certain sector.
Green Friendly – Environmental Quality Label
Application for mobile phones with the objective of showing users those business in town that comply with our environmental quality criteria. It can be inside the business itself by managing waste correctly, lightning, heating and water or the products they offer such as organic/ecological products, which participate in a fair trade system or promote re-selling and recycling to give them a second life.
Greeficient – SmartTrafficLight
Traffic lights control according to traffic, and energy reduction systems for traffic lights at night (switching off 50% of LED) all based on Arduino and Raspberry.
Eco-Huella - Eco-Huella Scan App
Application development that provides information on the sustainability of a product/brand when buying something. By making a picture to the label or reading the barcode with your mobile phone you will get the sustainability information.
Innoen - e-Way
Development of cases for mobile phones and tablets with a photovoltaic cell to recharge them on the way.
Hackafeine – Smart control of Street lightning by using sensors that can detect the presence of people and/or vehicles.
The saving is based on the reduction of light emitted when no total lightning is necessary with the resulting reduction in emissions and public costs in the annual budget. While the system is in stand-by mode the light emitted will be enough to a normal performance and when detecting a presence, the lightning level will be adjusted to the maximum possible.
Simebeirra - SIME. Help as recycle
The creation of an access in the school website in which the student representative publishes every week the amount of wastes recycled by the classmates and the class with the highest contribution to recycling will be published as well. The weekly winners will accumulate points and by the end of the school year, the class with the highest score will receive a prize: to choose the activity they want for the school party. In the website, a campaign will be created managed by the students and with the aim of collecting mobile phones, tablets, computers and any other electronic device at the end of their life cycle.