LIFE Green TIC as a case study of an efficient use of resources in a circular economic model

From 24th to 26th June, 2015, Burgos has hosted the II International Congress on Critical Raw Materials organised by the ICCRAM, the International Research Centre in Critical Raw Materials for Advanced Industrial Technologies and the University of Burgos.
With the participation of institutions and experts from several countries, the congress has devoted a parallel session to “Recycling, Circular Economy and Management of Resources”, in which the LIFE Green TIC project has participated as good practice in the ICT sector.
Thus, Soledad Gómez, part of the project’s technical team, has given an overview on how to apply circular economy concepts to any sector to go then into detail with the case study of information and communication technologies and how their life cycle of those products has been considered, highlighting the dissemination of best practices and mostly the design of tools to simplify the informed decision making when buying ICT products with green and/or sustainable criteria.
In the framework of the LIFE Green TIC project, an ICT Green Procurement Guidelines document has been published. It will help consumers make informed choices using verified, relevant and complete information on potential environmental impacts and the green criteria to take into account on the whole life cycle of products such as computers, smartphones, servers, printers and many more.
For more information on the Congress: