Which one of the following good environmental practices do you apply more often as ICT user or ICT infrastructure management?

Primary tabs

To switch-off of computers, monitors and equipment in general when not in use
50% (2 votes)
To switch off of chargers once the battery charging is finished
0% (0 votes)
To optimize the life cycle of equipment and devices
25% (1 vote)
To guarantee the recycling of equipment and devices by authorised managers
0% (0 votes)
To make easier the re-use of retired equipment – donation to ONG – sending to a repair and reuse company, etc.
0% (0 votes)
Equipment and devices configuration in saving energy modes
0% (0 votes)
To buy devices with energy efficiency labelling
0% (0 votes)
To avoid the printing on paper
25% (1 vote)
To implement printing configurations that help save paper, energy and toner
0% (0 votes)
To compensate my CO2 emissions supporting environmental and social projects
0% (0 votes)
Others: send your opinions to lifegreentic@patrimonionatural.org
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 4