
Fotografía de Tomás Castro - finalista del Concurso GREEN TIC
08/05/2015 - 13:45
The Green TIC – Emprende contest, developed in the framework of the LIFE Green TIC Project –financed by the European Union- has mobilised more than 40 teams of young entrepreneurs and students that bring their talent, their ideas and their projects with the aim of promoting a more environmental friendly use of ICT and at the same time the use of ICT to foster the environment.
Fotografía presentada por Francisco Luis al Concurso LIFE GREEN TIC
17/04/2015 - 12:45
LIFE GreenTIC Project is asking for the participation of ICT users, students and professionals to evaluate the good practices and recommendations to save energy that are compiled in the document “Good Practices for ICT users Guidelines” and to propose new ones.